Friday, May 22, 2020

Money market funds: $5 trillion

In March and April, over $1 trillion flowed into government MMFs, reflecting companies' and investors' shift into cash as worries about coronavirus mounted.

According to the Investment Company Institute, as of May 20, $3.9 trillion is in government MMFs (1.2 in Treasury & Repo, 2.7 in Treasury & Agency), $742 billion in prime MMFs, and $135 billion in tax-exempt (municipal) MMFs.

Chart based on ICI data (Note that OFR's numbers are slightly higher, for a total of over $5 trillion. Not sure what accounts for the discrepancy, but OFR shows retail funds which at least accounts for a good deal of the difference in size of prime funds):

FSOC's Office of Financial Research:
Crane Data: (top 10 money fund managers as of April 30: Fidelity $959 bn, JPMorgan $480 bn, Vanguard $473 bn, BlackRock $447 bn, Federated $396 bn, Goldman Sachs $383 bn, Morgan Stanley $227 bn, Schwab $210 bn, Dreyfus $210 bn, Wells Fargo $187 bn)

Note- the shift from prime funds to government funds in 2016 is due to the SEC's MMF reforms mentioned in yesterday's post.

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